Found 9 software entries in Games beginning with: "F" from category: Platform

Ferazel's Wand

Ferazel's Wand (1999)
(Modified on 2024-05-22 20:00:23)

A 2D fantasy themed platformer. In the mystical underground caverns of Teraknorn, the peaceful Habnabits gathered magical ziridium crystals and practiced their ancient magical arts. One horrible day, the evil insectoid Manditraki invaded,...


Frogatto (2010)
(Modified on 2024-10-29 19:29:10)

  Frogatto & Friends is an action-adventure platformer game, starring a certain quixotic frog. We're an open-source community project, and welcome contributions! We also have a very flexible editor and engine you can use...

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