Found 7 software entries
beginning with: "E"
from category: Card & Casino
Eric's Ultimate Solitaire
Eric's Solitare is your basic solitare game, but a sampler came on the Mac OS 9.2.2 CD.
Ebola Monkey Bingo
Avoid infected monkeys while trying to spell Bingo through selecting monkeys in each row
Euchre 2.x
Obscure computer card game salvaged from an old Macintosh Performa 580CD bundle. Compressed with StuffIt 8 on an Indigo iMac G3 (2000, 350MHz) running Mac OS X v10.1.
Egyptian Solitaire
This is a simple and addictive solitaire game my Mom taught me as a child. The cards are shuffled and 28 cards are dealt face-up and overlapping in the shape of a pyramid. The remainder of the cards are turned over one at a time. You then try to...
Eric’s Ultimate Solitaire X
25 great solitaire games, including Double Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Casino Klondike, and all your favorites. Great art, music sound, graphics, and animation, as well as cheating and Challenge games to compete with your friends. What’s...
Eric's Ultimate Solitaire CD
A Macintosh card game should fool you into believing that you are directly manipulating cards. In addition, the only reason, really, that anyone plays solitaire is to waste time: It’s not like there’s a computer opponent to overcome. So...
Euchre 5.3
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