Found 12 software entries
beginning with: "E"
from category: Arcade
Eight Ball Deluxe
Escape Beyond 2001
Exolon DX
Exolon DX, a remake of the Raffaele Cecco classic. With your great reputation as an eraser of aliens, you're employed to rid a planet of a mixed bag of beasties. You face a world infested with rotund attackers released from birth pods, homing...
Elf Forest
A very basic shooter game. 2-4 meteors come down from above, and as you shoot them, they fracture into two smaller meteors, and then two smaller ones from there. You're trying to destroy all of the meteors as they bounce around the screen,...
Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga. The object of the game is to find uncover pairs of identically colored Oxyd stones. Simple? Yes. Easy? Certainly not! Hidden traps, vast mazes, laser...
Eagle Strike
Fly your F-15 over the scrolling terrain. Soviet aircraft attack from all sides. Use your missiles to clear the skies. - ( Serial Number: 395021888
Ether Contention
Enemy Bomber Balloons
Eye Beast
Eye Beast is a B&W arcade game where you move your player, represented by eyes, using the JKLI keys on your keyboard, across the grid. That grid is composed of empty spaces and walls. The goal of the game is to trap all other eyes...
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