Found 14 software entries in Games beginning with: "E" from category: Text + Illustrations

Enchanted Scepters

Enchanted Scepters (1984)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 17:35:45)

Enchanted Scepters evokes the same excitement one might have felt at the first introduction of talking pictures. Playing Enchanted Scepters is a surround sound experience, an audiovisual delight, Silicon Beach Software extensively utilizes the...

Emergency Blow!

Emergency Blow! (1996)
(Modified on 2024-09-10 11:08:50)

Emergency Blow ! Version 1.0 The first in the series of EB! games. Learning from our SPS game we made this game for the hard-core fans of SPS.      Emergency Blow ! Version 2.0 After so many demands to create a new version of EB!...


Europ-Agent (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-07 19:00:46)

A German language educational game much in the vein of the popular Carmen Sandiego series. You travel Europe hunting down fugitives and learn about its countries. Solid German skills required. Plays nicely on compact Macs like the SE, Classic...

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