Found 17 software entries
beginning with: "E"
from category: 1st Person
eDuke32 (Duke Nukem 3D Sourceport)
The beginning of a freeware 3D game engine along the lines of Marathon, Doom, Dark Forces, etc. It's aimed at mapmakers who would like a game engine that's more flexible and less quirky than Marathon itself, and at programmers who would like...
Emergency Room: Life or Death
This 4th game in Legacy's Emergency Room Series continues with the same mechanics and premise as the ones before it - with 50 brand new cases to challenge would-be doctors. In Life or Death, the difficulty factor is built-in...
Emergency Room 2
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to work in a busy hospital Emergency Room, here's your chance! Join the staff of Legacy Memorial Hospital as a medical student and work your way up through the ranks. Beginning cases are...
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
After they had fought out their civil war on their homeworld called Stroggos, the Strogg ventured out into space to conquer other planets and study other races to integrate them into their own. In 2060 they enter space above their next target:...
Eat My Photons!
In Eat My photons! the player fights the enemy in space in a Stellar Mission via a space ship or on the ground in a space all-terrain vehicle. In flight, the player has lasers and a limited supply of smart missiles. When on the ground...
Earthtia Saga: Larthur's Legend (アースティアサーガ ラーサーレジェンド)
Earthtia Saga: Larthur's Legend (アースティアサーガ ラーサーレジェンド) Extremely rare Japanese anime interactive adventure game in Japanese language. This game is related to the OVA series of 'Lord of Lords - Ryu...
Escape (Eddie Cameron)
is a RUN!!! Game. Escape the flying blocks of death! Don't look back, no time to read description -no description found.
Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge
Exploration Zeta
Elevator Simulator
Elite Darts
Emergency Room: Code Blue
Elite: The New Kind
Elite Air Hockey
Eight Legged Freaks
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