Found 12 software entries
beginning with: "C"
from category: 3rd Person
Carmageddon II: Carpocalypse Now
A crash course in survival. The year is 2026 and fatal toxins have polluted the Earth's atmosphere. Those lucky enough to get into the Climate Emulation Centers in time live in fear of the souls left on the surface: the undead. The World...
Cro-Mag Rally
Cro-Mag Rally is a third-person racing/arcade game made by Pangea Software, which takes place in caveman times.
Carmageddon is a vehicular combat video game released for personal computers in 1997. It was produced by Stainless Games and published by Interplay Productions and Sales Curve Interactive. It was later ported to other platforms and spawned a...
Crazy Cars
Classic Tennis
Classic Tennis is a crude tennis game for early Macintosh. It features a little bit of color but is mostly B&W and static. Your mouse cursor becomes the tennis player and you simply move your mouse to swing the ball the other...
CG Madness
Clan Lord
Club Racquetball
Club Racquetball is a game based on the sport with the same name that is played by one player against AI opponents. It is controlled from a fixed third person perspective where the camera is located behind the backs of the two players....
Cars 2: The Video Game
Cars 2 is a racing game based on the Disney and Pixar movie. As a C.H.R.O.M.E. (Command Headquarters for Recon Operations & Motorized Espionage) agent, the player can participate in various events, using one of the many characters from...
Cocoa Mad Race
Centipede (2001)
This version of Centipede is a recreation of the original arcade game under the same name. In adventure mode, you play as the main protagonist Wally and you need to eliminate the threat of the Centipede's and the other wacky monsters from the...
Carrier Command

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