Found 71 software entries in Games beginning with: "A" from category: Arcade


Apeiron (1995)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 11:00:34)

Apeiron is an extremely addictive and well polished Centipede arcade game for 1990's Macs.  This game was very popular among System 7 users even on low end Macs.  It offered fluid, high frame rate action gameplay accompanied by catchy...


Asterax (1994)
(Modified on 2022-12-18 15:14:30)

An adaptation of the classic shoot-em-up Asteroids, unique for its addition of a monetary element to purchase power-ups and score bonuses.

Airborne! (a.k.a. Banzai!)

Airborne! (a.k.a. Banzai!) (1984)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 11:58:14)

Airborne! is a game that is quite similar to Paratrooper, in which you guide a gun with your mouse and try to shoot down the airplanes. If you fail to shoot the plane down, it will release paratroopers who, if enough of them accumulate on the...


Arkanoid (1988)
(Modified on 2025-02-11 05:50:40)

The original Breakout concept involves controlling a bat at the bottom of the screen and using it to catch and direct a ball so as to hit all the bricks which are arranged at the top of the screen. It was unpopular for over a decade,...

Armagetron Advanced

Armagetron Advanced (2001)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 10:33:10)

a Tron Clone in 3d Armagetron is a multiplayer game in 3d that attempts to emulate and expand on the lightcycle sequence from the movie Tron. It's an old school arcade game slung into the 21st century. Highlights include a customizable...

Asteroids (MacSoft)

Asteroids (MacSoft) (1998)
(Modified on 2024-12-02 11:10:41)

Asteroids, the quarter-sucking arcade behemoth, rattled some cages in its day. Old-school game fans can rejoice now that MacSoft has updated this classic space shooter. This newest version is the prettiest incarnation to date, but the game is really...

Attack of the Mutant Artificial Trees

Attack of the Mutant Artificial Trees (2004)
(Modified on 2024-11-20 19:17:22)

A Freaky Fake Xmas Trees truck is going about it's deliveries. Suddenly, one of Santa's elves opens the rear doors and pushes crates out the back. The artificial trees have mutated and are sucking the spirit out of Christmas. You've got...

Acky's XP Breakout

Acky's XP Breakout (2004)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 15:19:51)

Blast your way through 150 powerful levels in the ultimate arkanoid game.  Discover unique power items, brick types, and fun in Acky's XP Breakout.  The gameplay is always changing with a dynamic mesh of particle effects, point...

Animaniacs Game Pack

Animaniacs Game Pack (1997)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 14:41:54)

Yakko, Wakko, and Dot are up to their old tricks in an animaniacal set of five fun games that will have kids belching, bopping, putting, and smooching to win. Play along as the Warner brats burp away robots, race to pick up props around a warehouse,...


AstroSquid (2002)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 10:14:31)

Take the role of a purple alien thing that kind of looks like a squid and pilot your way towards Earth in a quest to destroy mankind. Causing lots of destruction along the way is of course a way to make the trip less dull. You pilot your purple...


aWorm (1998)
(Modified on 2024-11-08 11:09:40)

Welcome again to the exciting world of worms! In this game, your mission is to alone or with your friend guide your worms, Sam and Sal, through many different levels, eating all the dots in each level, while looking out for not to hit the wall. The...

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