Found 13 software entries in Games from category: Crossword

Word Search

Word Search (1986)
(Modified on 2018-04-11 11:17:02)

Word Search is a crosswords maker for early Macs.  You can make a words list and then hit the "Make Puzzle" menu item to generate a crosswords sheet.  You can then print it on real paper.  There is no clickable words or...


WordSmith (1989)
(Modified on 2020-04-03 06:06:49)

WordSmith is a fun crosswords game in which you click and drag the mouse in any adjacent letter to form a word.  What's fun is that you can do shapes, not just straight lines, so you could draw a "S" if the letters form a word...

Word Wonder

Word Wonder (1984)
(Added on 2018-04-12 09:56:58)

Word Wonder is a nice little crossword game for early B&W Macs, but it still works in Mac OS 9, almost 20 years after its release.  It features nice 8-bit chip sound effects and a clean and simple interface.  


DigWords (2010)
(Added on 2024-09-08 14:13:02)

DigWords is a new Crossword style board game. The game uses familiar Scrabble-like word building rules but game play is unique. A game lasts for just 12 rounds with a fresh set of 7 letters in each round. The game board is a 9-by-9 grid, so it takes...

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