Found 16 software entries in Games from category: FMV

Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair

Steven Spielberg's Director's Chair (1996)
(Modified on 2024-03-30 14:25:10)

With a guide like Steven Spielberg we have got a chance to direct our own movie in this interactive movie-making game. Some of the most talented people in cinema industry are also helping us to choose and do the right things during our project. In...

Train Simulator: Chūō-sen (201-kei)

Train Simulator: Chūō-sen (201-kei) (1995)
(Modified on 2024-02-14 07:48:13)

The first train simulation game that Ongakukan ever developed and produced. It later became a hit in popularity and being it was the first train simulator game to use real video footage, they continue to release more sequels which created the series...

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