Found 28 software entries
from category: Roguelike
You can solve Rogue three dozen times and still never play the same game twice. That’s because the attributes of each treasure, such as a pink potion or a wooden staff, change every time you play — as does the map of each dungeon level....
Hack is the precursor to NetHack, both members of the family of text-based Rogue-like games. Like other roguelikes, Hack is the quintessential computer role-playing game (RPG): Choose a character class and venture forth into...
Moria is a member of the roguelike RPGs. It features several innovations, like a town level and dungeons levels that are bigger than one screen, and was the first open-source and freeware roguelike. The goal of Moria is...
The Binding of Isaac
When Isaac's mother starts hearing the voice of God demanding a sacrifice be made to prove her faith, Isaac escapes into the basement facing droves of deranged enemies, lost brothers and sisters, his fears, and eventually his mother. The...
Mission: Thunderbolt
Some say the best computer games are those that cause players to lose sleep, shun family and friends, and neglect vital aspects of personal hygiene. “I made myself wretched for six days!” an adolescent identified only by initials might...
This is the PowerPC version of the WildTangent game FATE. FATE is a modern take on the original roguelike concept, with customizeable characters and fully randomly generated levels, quests, monsters, and items. There is immense replayability and a...
Zelda Dungeons of Infinity
Fan made game heavily based on Zelda 3: A Link to the Past on the SNES back in the early 90's. All the sprites, sounds, music, characters and environments were reused in this brand new game to turn the RPG we all loved from 30 years ago...
The Dungeon Revealed
Following the current trend of popular shareware going commercial, the venerable classic Dungeon of Doom (the latest — and last — version is 4.0...) has been reincarnated commercially as The Dungeon Revealed. Although gameplay remains...
Spelunky 1.3
Spelunky is a non-linear platformer, where your goal is to penetrate deeper into the caves using ropes and bombs, gather treasure, and avoid traps and enemies. With fairly simple controls, a fully destructible environment, well-done...
Mac Rogue 3.0
Mac Rogue 3.0 is a kind of addictive and cute turn based rogue game for Mac.
Angband is a free, single-player dungeon exploration game where you take the role of an adventurer, exploring a deep dungeon, fighting monsters, and acquiring the best weaponry you can, in preparation for a final battle with Morgoth, the Lord...
NetHack is a single-player roguelike video game originally released in 1987 with ASCII graphics. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack (1985), which is a descendant of Rogue (1980). The player takes the part of a dungeon-delving...
Zangband - a free roguelike computer role playing game which is based on Angband.
Dungeons of Dredmor
Dungeons of Dredmor is a role-playing dungeon hack game in the tradition of classic Roguelike games, but fully graphical with a point-and-click interface. The player travels through randomly generated dungeons exploring for treasure...
DOOM the Roguelike
DRL (D**m, the Roguelike) is a fast and furious coffee-break Roguelike game, that is heavily inspired by the popular FPS game Doom by ID Software. - (
Diablo Roguelike
This game was created in 7, yes SEVEN days. I used the new Valkyrie library that I created for GenRogue, and it realy proved capable of quickly creating a roguelike. The code is just 142KB of FreePascal code, not including the Valkyrie...
ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)
ADOM development started in 1994 and today is going stronger than ever making it the longest actively maintained roguelike game ever. - ( In Ancient Domains of Mystery, the player character is an adventurer who has...
Egoboo is an open source, cross-platform computer game. It's a three-dimensional dungeon crawling adventure that borrows a lot of elements from the roguelike genre. Egoboo is still under development, but it is fully playable. Egoboo...
Brogue for PPC Macs
Brogue is a Roguelike game for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux by Brian Walker. The latest version can be downloaded at
The Dungeon of Doom
The Dungeon of Doom is the demo/shareware version of The Dungeon Revealed

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