Found 7 software entries
beginning with: "X"
from category: Simulation
X-Plane 7
X-Plane 7 is the seventh installation in the X-Plane series of the flight simulator for fixed wing and rotor aircraft in civilian, military and space use, as well as a concept and prototyping tool. Focus of...
X-Plane 3
X²: The Threat
X²: The Threat is the sequel to X: Beyond the Frontier. The player takes the role of Julian Gardna, a space pirate in search of his missing father. A new mysterious and hostile alien race, the Khaak, emerge on the horizon, and Julian...
X³: Reunion
X³: Reunion is a space trading and combat simulation that continues the story of X²: The Threat. The war with the mysterious Khaak still rages at the borders of Argon space, where the weakened defending forces try to stop the...
X-Plane 5
X-Plane 5 is the fifth edition of the single-player flight simulator. Players get to fly around in the world using various nav-aids and instruments. Several aircraft are included in the package, and more can be found online. The main focus of...
X-Plane 4
X-Plane 2
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