Found 20 software entries in Games beginning with: "W" from category: Game Editors, Mods & Tools

Word Search

Word Search (1986)
(Modified on 2018-04-11 11:17:02)

Word Search is a crosswords maker for early Macs.  You can make a words list and then hit the "Make Puzzle" menu item to generate a crosswords sheet.  You can then print it on real paper.  There is no clickable words or...

World Builder

World Builder (1986)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 09:41:59)

World Builder is a game creation program that uses an "World Template" that is needed to create games.  While the program has sound files they don't work except on emulations of Macs between 1986-1988  World Builder...

WadTyper for Doom

WadTyper for Doom (1995)
(Modified on 2023-09-25 12:19:17)

Doom WadTyper will change a WAD's icon from a text file to a Doom icon. Then make sure that the .WAD is in capital letters. From there all you have to do is drag the level onto the Doom application and it will load just fine.

Wolfenstein 3D Saved Game Editor

Wolfenstein 3D Saved Game Editor (1995)
(Modified on 2023-09-17 09:49:50)

The Wolfenstein 3D Saved Game Editor is used for editing the ammo, health, and equipment of a Wolfenstein 3D saved game file. It was written by Andrei Scheinkman. A second release was promised, but doesn’t seem to have ever materialized.

Wolfenstein 3D: Wolf3D Autotyper

Wolfenstein 3D: Wolf3D Autotyper (1996)
(Modified on 2023-04-09 13:20:18)

Wolf3D Autotyper is an autotyper program used to convert Wolfenstein 3D First and Second Encounter levels made using WolfEdit 1.0 and 1.1 (or 1.1C) to the file format used by Third Encounter and the commercial version. It was used primarily to...

WolfenDOOM collection

WolfenDOOM collection (1993)
(Modified on 2019-07-20 12:34:24)

The complete WolfenDOOM collection by Laz Rojas. Work with Doom 2 (check individual readmes to see which maps are used for each wad). These were a popular series of wads which brought Wolfenstein design and aesthetics to Doom. Some of these...


WordFind (1987)
(Modified on 2018-04-12 10:17:40)

WordFind lets you create a crossword and then print it.  It's not playable on the computer, it only prints the letters grid you defined.  It has various options like the grid size, the words list and it can also print the solution by...

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