Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "W"
from category: Sports
Wipeout 2097
Wipeout 2097 gives you pure arcade racing for the next century. A classic 3-D arcade experience available for the Mac, Wipeout 2097 is packed with all-action features--a technical tour de force that's fully optimized for 3-D. With...
WaterRace is shipping! WaterRace is an offshore racing game with unique characters, levels and ships, each having their own technical characteristics. Mastering the different ships and levels is an extraordinary challenge. The beauty and the...
Wayne Gretzky Hockey
Hockey-simulation program that includes animated referee calls, digitized sound effects and video fight sequences, and the ability to create and edit your own team roster. Lets one or two players control any team member in real time, play and coach...
World Class Leader Board
Winter Games
So what if the next Winter Olympics won't be held until 1988? Mac owners can hold their own Winter Games whenever they want to—and the snow on those slopes is guaranteed not to melt, even on the hottest August afternoon. This...
Wakeboarding Unleashed featuring Shaun Murray
Wacky Mini Golf 1.01
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Sports Edition
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