Found 61 software entries
beginning with: "R"
from category: Educational
Richard Scarry's Busytown
Richard Scarry's Busytown (1999) is an interactive story book where players explore and play fun activities with Huckle the cat and Lowly the worm usually as the crusors. Activities around town includes: Building the House - help...
Romjakten (NORWEGIAN)
Dette har skjedd: Midt ute i et stort hav, ikke langt fra Monsterlandet, ligger det ei lita øy. Der bor astronomen Maximilian Faktor. Han har bygd seg et lite observatorium på øya, og der tilbringer han all sin tid med å...
Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 6-9
Ready for School Kindergarten
Reader Rabbit's Kindergarten
Prickly porcupine Spike has stolen the party supplies for tonight’s big bash at Camp Happy Trails, and it’s up to you to track them down. As part of your search, you’ll stop by the diner to learn shapes, sizes, and cooking; work...
Rockett's Camp Adventures
My inner child is squeeling! Rockett's Camp Adventures includes a main character named Rockett Navaro and her personal summer camp experience. Much of the game is actually an animated storybook, allowing us as players to choose with pathway...
Rockett's New School
The first day of eighth grade can be traumatic or triumphant, depending on which voice Inside Rockett’s head you let decide. She can come off as a sniveling pillowcase, a perky Pollyanna, or a downright snot when you pick her reactions to...
Rainbow Fish - The most beautiful fish in the ocean
Reader Rabbit and Friends: Let's Start Learning!
Reader Rabbit 1st Grade: Capers on Cloud Nine
Reading Maze
Reading Blaster: Ages 9-12
Recess in Greece
Reading Blaster: Ages 6-7
Robot Battle
Reader Rabbit Preschool: Sparkle Star Rescue!
Ready to Read with Pooh
Ready for Math with Pooh
Rocco's Pirate Adventure
Roller Typing
If you thought learning how to type was boring, then you haven't tried Roller Typing Learn the keys through 20 skill levels Learn proper fingering techniques Improve accuracy Develop speed and rhythm Print a...
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