Found 7 software entries in Games beginning with: "O" from category: Role Playing Game (RPG)


Oberin (2005)
(Modified on 2024-08-10 00:09:03)

Oberin is both the name of a MMORPG for Macintosh and the fantasy world in which it takes place. Wield a sword, bow, or other weapon, or take advantage of magic spells and potions. Go on adventures with other Oberin players. Oberin has its...

OrbQuest - The Search for Seven Wards

OrbQuest - The Search for Seven Wards (1986)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 08:14:50)

For devotees of fantasy role-playing adventure comes OrbQuest: The Search for Seven Wards. You seek a magical orb shattered into seven parts, the Seven Wards, which must be gathered from far and wide to restore the orb and defeat evil. The Search...

Ore Buster DX

Ore Buster DX (1999)
(Modified on 2023-09-09 19:08:52)

Program Explanation Ported from Windows95 to Macintosh. For details see here, please. There are kinds of application files: QuickDraw edition Ore Buster No special extensions needed. Can play in window mode. Although it can be...

Ore Buster 2

Ore Buster 2 (1999)
(Modified on 2023-09-09 18:07:41)

Program Explanation There are two types of application file. QuickDraw edition Ore Buster 2 No special extensions needed. Can play in window mode. Playing in 2X scale to make it big is possible, but drawing will be...

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