Found 6 software entries in Games beginning with: "N" from category: Platform


NS-Shaft (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 08:55:02)

NS-Shaft is a fast paced vertical platformer game and is the opposite of NS-Tower, another vertical platformer arcade game of the same genre, except this time, in NS-Shaft, you drop down as fast as you can and never go up.  NS-Shaft features...


NS-Tower (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-08 08:55:04)

NS-Tower is an addictive vertical platform arcade game in which your character continuously walks forward until he hits a wall and then walks in the opposite direction.  The goal in NS-Tower is to climb up the endless tower by holding the...

Nuts and Bolts

Nuts and Bolts (1998)
(Modified on 2023-04-21 11:17:37)

Nuts And Bolts is a fast-paced collectathon platform game, in which you play a lovable little robot with the lofty mission of collecting spare parts, and chasing the high scores.

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