Found 9 software entries in Games beginning with: "J" from category: Platform

Jazz Jackrabbit 2

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 (1998)
(Modified on 2024-11-17 13:49:01)

Jazz is back from MS-DOS This is one of the best games you could honestly play on an old Mac. Think of Super Mario Brothers with a dash of Sonic and a taste of Contra, leaving you dying to use the level editor that's only on...


Jetpack (1992)
(Modified on 2023-05-11 14:42:03)

Fly around a maze in a hunt for the exit. Keep an eye on your fuel as it is finite, and avoid the hazards. Jetpack features colour graphics, catchy background tunes and delightfully addictive gameplay. See also: Jetpack for Mac OS X

Jump Zampoli

Jump Zampoli (1997)
(Modified on 2023-04-28 14:18:11)

Jump Zampoli is a unique (and very tricky) concept which challenges the player to factor in gravity and momentum to the familiar breakout format. Instead of a paddle, you have a teeter totter on wheels, and several 'Zampolis' to act as...

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