Found 7 software entries
beginning with: "J"
from category: 1st Person
Journeyman Project Turbo!
Very important: Temporal Security Annex Code: 6894895 Background, Theory & Procedure Monitor Access Code: 0524133 Historical Reconfiguration Code: 0291384
Jewels of the Oracle (Discis CD-ROM version)
Jewels of the Oracle is a unique game consisting of 24 mini puzzles wrapped around a small pre-rendered 3D scene which you can explore by point and clicking around (in a way similar to Myst). The goal is to resolve all 24 puzzle mini...
JFDuke3D (Duke Nukem 3D Port for OSX)
JFDuke3D is a Mac OS X port of the original 1996 Duke Nukem 3D but with high resolution graphics and 3D objects.
Jet Ducks
Duck Old-timer said: "Listen, my Duck-brothers! Every autumn those people start hunting us... We are fed up with it! From now on we will fly in helmets and flak jackets; we'll be armed to the teeth and have parachutes and jet...
JFShadowWarrior (Shadow Warrior Port)
JFShadowWarrior is 3D Realms' 1997 shooter Shadow Warrior updated for modern Windows, Mac, and Linux computers. GitHub
Janosch - Oh wie schoen ist Panama
Little Bear and Little Tiger leave their comfortable home behind to go in search of Panama, the land of their dreams, and end up in the most beautiful place in the world. - (
Jewels II: The Ultimate Challenge (aka Gems of Darkness)
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