Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "I"
from category: Text + Illustrations
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
The year is 4592- Mankind has reached out for the stars, and grasped them with an ever tightening iron fist. This is the darkest age of the Imperium: A time when mankind walked amongst the stars with others not of his kind, and his soul...
Investigator No.1
Investigator No. 1 is an early detective game where you have to solve murder mysteries. Not too easy, since you're on a tight budget... Registration code: 6931
Imagination Express: Destination Rain Forest
Imagination Express is a tool to allow kids to build their own interactive storybooks, including recording themselves reading/narrating each page. This disc includes the base application plus the "Destination: Rain Forest" asset...
Imagination Express: Destination Neighborhood
Imagination Express is a tool to allow kids to build their own interactive storybooks, including recording themselves reading/narrating each page. This disc includes the base application plus the "Destination: Neighborhood" asset...
Interstellar Trader
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