Found 264 software entries
beginning with: "G"
A first-person shooter with a focus on exploration and avoiding traps.
Greebles is an outstanding arcade title for PPC Macs which throws up to four players (8 if playing over a network) into a maze against legions of hostile critters. Flys, crabs, chess pieces and even Pac-Man are all out to get you, so push blocks...
Grey Tower
Gobliins 2: The Prince Buffoon
The second in the series of adventure-puzzle games. In this instalment, you only have two imps to control instead of three. Someone has kidnapped the prince and it's up to you and two hilarious sidekicks, Winkle and Fingus, to rescue him....
Gus Goes to Cyberopolis
Learn the secrets and explore the magic of Cyberopolis with Gus, the hippest, most lovable dog in town! Help the newest CyberBud, Rae, come to life on Earth by rounding up all her CyberBud friends! Kids will enjoy hours of exploration filled with...
The objective of each level in Goldpusher is to push your pot of gold onto the rainbow, however there are all sorts of hazards to overcome on the way. This relatavely relaxed puzzle game has numerous levels to try and soulve, as well as an editor...
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
From MacWorld: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is the latest installment of the hugely popular music game in which you assume the role of the lead guitarist of an up-and-coming rock band. You must hit the right notes at the right time to...
Garage: Bad Dream Adventure
Garage: Bad Dream Adventure, or simply Garage, was a Japanese PC/Macintosh point-and-click game developed by Kinotrope and directed by Tomomi Sakuba released in early 1999 with a limited release of 3000 units. Content The game features...
GZDoom is a Doom source port based on ZDoom. It features an OpenGL renderer and lots of new features, among them: 3D floors Dynamic lights Quake2/Unreal style skyboxes True color texture support Model support (limited at the...
Gadget: Past as Future (ガジェット 完全版)
A surreal video game from the 90's from Japanese director Hiruhiko Shono - often classified as a 'visual novel' or 'interactive movie' for its lack of any real gameplay and focus on an extremely loose story set in a retro-future.
Command an army of toolbots, with the goal of building up your territory, destroying opposing forces and hacking your rivals into oblivion. Gridz is a unique strategy title boasting colourful graphics, addictive gameplay and a cast of 15 different...
GunShy is a Mahjong like tile game for 68K Macs.
Gadget: Invention, Travel, & Adventure (ガジェット) [English and Japanese]
Gadget puts you in a strange surreal world were a comet appears to be heading for the earth. Most people dismiss this situation since apparently it won't collide with us, however a group of scientists scramble to develop a way to stop this...
Get out of MAZE
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is an adventure game set in present-day New Orleans.
Galactic Empire
Galactic Empire: You are asked to unite the twenty planets of the galaxy, by force, before civilization decays. You can utilize planetary resources to build fighters, spy satellites, and transports, recruit soldiers for ground forces,...
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Giants : Citizen Kabuto, jeu d'action/stratégie sorti sur PC et Mac.Vous propose de vous plonger dans un monde où les Meccaryns, les Marines, et Kabuto se battent pour avoir la possession de l'île....
Geneforge v1.0.1
The Shapers are the most powerful of the magical guilds, and you have recently been accepted as an apprentice. With training you will be able to create creatures that will serve you unquestioningly. This is the power of the Shapers, and with study...
Gustavinho em o Enigma da Esfinge
Gustavinho in The Enigma of the Sphinx is a Brazilian adventure conceived by Ale McHaddo, with the participation of Marisa Orth as Cleopatra. The game tells the story of a boy who ended up calling a mummy lord and was sent to Ancient Egypt. To...

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