Found 44 software entries in Games beginning with: "B" from category: Point & Click

Black Cats and Pointed Hats

Black Cats and Pointed Hats (2000)
(Modified on 2024-12-02 14:50:45)

Prince Frederick of Frivolia has been turned into a frog by the witches of Witchville. To reverse the curse, you have to sneak into the town and give the seven witches responsible for this tragedy a gift. Each part of the town, such as the market...

Berlin Connection [German]

Berlin Connection [German] (1999)
(Modified on 2023-07-18 13:25:22)

Berlin ist nach dem Ende des 2ten Weltkriegs Dreh- und Angelpunkt unzähliger Spionage-Aktivitäten, die den Hintergrund für BERLIN CONNECTION bilden. Der englische Fotograf Roger Penrose gerät bei einem Auftrag in Berlin ins...

Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM

Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM (1992)
(Modified on 2024-12-02 14:15:34)

This version of Battle Chess, while retaining the gameplay of the original release, features improved 256-color SVGA graphics as well as new visual effects and animations. In addition, it has a symphonic soundtrack in redbook (CD audio)...

Battle Chess

Battle Chess (1991)
(Modified on 2024-03-23 14:07:05)

First Battle Chess release for Macintosh in B&W on 2 floppies (combined together in the download below for ease of use). See also: Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM release (in color)


Bioscopia (2002)
(Modified on 2024-12-02 17:05:39)

Bioscopia is an adventure role playing game in which you need to resolve science puzzles and enygmas in hope of ultimately resolving the mystery of the disparition of the scientists that were once working in the Bioscopia laboratory, an artifical...

Bibi Blocksberg 5 - Verhexte Ferien

Bibi Blocksberg 5 - Verhexte Ferien (2001)
(Modified on 2023-09-20 10:32:41)

Im Ferienlager erwarten sie einige Abenteuer: Sie müssen einen Schatz finden und die richtigen Dinge zusammen suchen, um eine Sonnenuhr zu bauen. Aber irgendetwas dort stimmt nicht -- seltsame Dinge passieren: Dem kleinen Max fliegt das Eis...

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