Found 75 software entries
beginning with: "B"
from category: Educational
You have decided to travel around the world. But there's one problem. You don't have enough money to make the entire journey! "Everything will work out," you think while you fill in your passport and transfer all your money to your...
Historical: The CD-ROM At the risk of causing distress to a few toddlers, I will confess that Ted & Floppy didn't really author this CD-ROM....
Blue's Birthday Adventure
Bygg båtar med Mulle Meck
Black Cats and Pointed Hats
Prince Frederick of Frivolia has been turned into a frog by the witches of Witchville. To reverse the curse, you have to sneak into the town and give the seven witches responsible for this tragedy a gift. Each part of the town, such as the market...
Blinky Bill's Extraordinary Balloon Adventure
Bibi Blocksberg 12 - Der verhexte Liebesbrief
In Bibi Blocksberg - Der verhexte Liebesbrief hat sich Bibi verliebt! Die kleine Hexe schwärmt für Joachim, einen Jungen aus ihrer Schule. Sie schreibt ihm einen richtigen Liebesbrief, den sie mit einem besonderen Liebeshexspruch verhext....
Bibi Blocksberg 8 - Chaos in der Hexenschule
Bibi and her witch friends need to learn some spells for herbalism class. They do not want to miss the fair, especially not for homework, but maybe they can combine both. So the young witches try their new witchcraft on the plants that they discover...
Bibi und Tina 6 - Ferien auf dem Martinshof
This is the sixth CD-ROM in the Bibi-und-Tina universe. Spend a week-long holiday on the farm called Martinshof. Some casual games, embedded in an exciting treatment of part of, provide a high replay value. Features: Multiple levels of...
Big Thinkers 1st Grade
Ben and Becky Brightly, the Wonder Twins of education, stretch, shrink, morph, and mold themselves into a full house of brain-building games. Each game literally comes alive as the malleable twins shape-shift into action. Kids earn smart stars for...
Blue's Treasure Hunt
Blue's ABC Time Activities
Barbie of Swan Lake: The Enchanted Forest
Barbie of Swan Lake CD-ROM: The Enchanted Forest takes players on a magical quest along with a unicorn named Lila. Users will undertake a variety of quests and activities -- searching for hidden items, painting murals, gardening a field of singing...
Barbie Magic Fairy Tales: Barbie as Rapunzel
Long a fashion icon to little girls worldwide, Barbie ditches her reigning doll status to take on the role of tairy tales’ finest, Rapunzel. But in this CD-ROM version of the story, it is the princess who saves the prince, by traveling...
Barbie as Sleeping Beauty
Bible Sleuth: The Case of the Purloined Pendant
Bible Sleuth: The Case of the Purloined Pendant is an educational game designed to teach the Bible. A robot has broken into a museum and stolen a precious gem. This robot is part of a gang of criminals. The player is a detective who needs to...
Bibi Blocksberg 4 - Das vertauschte Hexenkraut
Bygg hus med Mulle Meck
Bioscopia is an adventure role playing game in which you need to resolve science puzzles and enygmas in hope of ultimately resolving the mystery of the disparition of the scientists that were once working in the Bioscopia laboratory, an artifical...
Body Park

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