Claris Emailer 2.x

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On: 2014-04-14 23:14:38
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-04-15 16:06:09
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What is Claris Emailer 2.x?

Claris Emailer is an advanced e-mail client for the Macintosh. In addition to handling standard e-mail, it supported handling of e-mail from AOL, AppleLink, and CompuServe online services. It also supports an integrated spell checker, unlimited e-mail accounts, multiple signatures, various mail actions, AppleScript, and BinHex, Base64, and UUEncode.

Address Book Extractor (AOL3_0Addressextractor.sea)
This utility quickly exports all the addresses from the AOL 3.0 address book to a file that can be imported by Claris Emailer 2.0. This utility is only necessary with the 3.0 version of AOL software; access to previous AOL address books is built into Claris Emailer 2.0.

Note: 2.0v2 is not Y2K compliant. 2.0v3 fixes this.

The Emailer 2.0 Users Guide posted here is a PDF file.

The Emailer 2.0 Getting Started posted here is a PDF file.

It takes a lot to get me to switch software packages (unless you dangle an alpha version in front of me), especially when the current software does the job. Such was ftie case with Qualcomm’s Eudora and Claris Emailer 2.0. While Eudora Light does most of what I wanted it to do, it hits the wall when it comes to multiple email accounts and filtering (you have to quit and restart the application, that sort of thing). Then I tried Claris Emailer 2.0. This email client does everything you expect it to — it handles filters and multiple accounts gracefully and adds a couple of enchanting features via AppleScript.

Emailer, of course, sends and receives email, and it does it through a comfortable user interface that includes an easy-to-use toolbar and mail browser. In the browser, select a mail folder on the left and a list of messages in that folder appears on the right. The list looks like a Finder window as seen in List view. If you want to sort your messages, merely click on the appropriate header and the messages resort themselves like magic. Emailer’s toolbar is equally easy to use. Its 11 buttons use built-in hot help: put the pointer over the mouse button and the button’s function appears below. Hold down the command key and the command-key equivalents of the buttons appear.

Filters — called Mail Actions — are also a snap to set up: Just create a new action, give it a name, then set the criteria under which the action takes place. Once that’s done, you can define the action; it can be as simple as moving the mail to the appropriate mailbox or as complicated as setting the message’s priority, printing it, automatically forwarding it, then running an AppleScript that speaks to you to tell you that you have an important message waiting. The great part about setting up a Mail Action is that it’s easy, primarily thanks to good user interface design.

Despite its simplicity, Emailer has some real power because of AppleScript. A built-in AppleScript menu allows you to access any AppleScript in the Emailer folder (see The Disc for Emailer scripts that you can use). As an added bonus, Emailer can run an AppleScript as a result of a Mail Action, which means you can use Emailer to control your Mac remotely via email (provided all of the actions and AppleScripts are properly set up). It can send a Shut Down message to your Mac, for example, with a simple Emailer has some other good features. Because it keeps all its letters in a single database, the Find function searches through all messages and presents the ones that match in a separate window, much like the Finder’s enhanced Find File. Setup is also a breeze.

Follow the four-step Easy Setup process and you’re ready to receive your email. If you have multiple email accounts, Emailer will handle those as well, including non-Internet mail sources such as America Online or CompuServe. Emailer also has the option of limiting large downloads so you’re not waiting all evening for some unwanted spam image to arrive, and it can even randomize your signature so you present a fresh face every time you send a message.

All is not milk and honey with Emailer, however. Although it’s a simple program to use, Emailer has little in the way of documentation, instead pointing you to the online help files — a problem if you chose not to install them. Also, Emailer doesn’t just go and get your email when you connect: you have to press a Connect button. You can, however, write an AppleScript that will get around this little problem (our custom AppleScript is included on The Disc).

Emailer is worth the $49, especially if you receive a lot of email or have special things you need to do with that mail. Sure, Eudora Light is free, but it can’t do everything Emailer can do, and its user interface is way behind Emailer’s. Give it a try. You’ll like it — especially if you like AppleScript.

Reynolds, David. (August 1997). Claris Emailer 2.0. MacAddict. (pg. 64).

Download Claris Emailer 2.x for Mac

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68K + PPC (FAT)

System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.1

Compatibility notes

Minimum Requirements

  • MC68020 processor
  • 3 MB RAM
  • 9 MB hard disk space available
  • System 7.1
  • E-Mail account that supports SMTP/POP3

Claris Emailer 2.0v2 is a maintentance release, consisting of a number of bug fixes and minor feature enhancements to Claris Emailer 2.0 (sometimes referred to as Claris Emailer 2.0v1).

Bug fixes

  1. In AppleScript, "the front window" will now always return the correct window under all circumstances.
  2. In AppleScript, accessing unread incoming messages in the Out Box and Deleted Mail folders now works properly.


  1. In the Schedule Entry dialog, the day-of-week abbreviations are displayed according to the values set in the Date and Time control panel.
  2. In the Schedule Entry dialog, the appropriate hours, separators, and  "before noon" and "after noon" tags are displayed according to the values set in the Date and Time control panel.
  3. When clicking the "Stop" button on the connections Dialog with the Option key depressed, all pending connections will be stopped--not just the current one. Clicking Stop without the Option key depressed will stop only the current connection as with previous versions of Claris Emailer.
  4. The "filter" Applescript verb has been added; this will apply mail actions to specified messages.
  5. The number of characters accessible from within AppleScript in the subject field has been increased to 255.
  6. Added the "properties" property to allow getting all properties at once with an AppleScript.
  7. Claris Emailer will now sort contacts, recipients, and subjects according to the rules of the language specified in the Text control panel.  If you are upgrading from Emailer 2.0, you will need to rebuild ("Typical Rebuild") your message database to take advantage of this feature.

IMPORTANT:  Once you have rebuilt the database with Claris Emailer 2.0v2, you will not be able to open the database with Claris Emailer 2.0 unless you rebuild the database using the Advanced Rebuild option with 2.0.

HOW TO REBUILD YOUR DATABASE:  Quit Claris Emailer if it is running.  Launch Claris Emailer, holding down the Option Key.  You will see the rebuild dialog.  Click on the Typical Rebuild or the Advanced Rebuild radio button, as needed, and then click the Rebuild button.

"Typical Rebuild" will remove deleted messages from the Mail Database file and compact the file; it will also remove index entries to those messages from the Mail Index file, reducing the size of that file as well.  "Advanced Rebuild" will create a new Mail Index file from the Mail Database file; this will result in deleted messages becoming undeleted, and may expand the size of both files.

You will need free disk space equal to the combined sizes of the Mail Database and Mail Index files in order to be able to rebuild the database.

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