Found 4 software entries in Applications beginning with: "R" from category: Synthesizer

Redmatica Autosampler 2.3.2

Redmatica Autosampler 2.3.2 (2010)
(Modified on 2025-01-05 15:28:40)

One of a kind software that was acquired by Apple and then killed.  Some parts made it into Logic but it was never the same.  This software allows a user to connect a hardware synthesizer and sample the entire system into a sample library...


Rumblence:zoyd (2006)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 07:50:15)

Zoyd is a virtual Synthesizer. It has a rich feature set embedded in a semi-modular architecture to produce unique sonic experience. It doesn't try to simulate existing technology and has it's own character. Zoyd has the capability to...

Reaktor v3

Reaktor v3 (2001)
(Modified on 2018-06-11 08:03:41)

Reator v3 is a "Modular Sound Design System" using programming block modules patching methods If you have no clue what that is then you need reading this: Wizzo Reaktor v3 Guide/Tutorial Reaktor3.pdf

Reaktor v2.3

Reaktor v2.3 (1999)
(Modified on 2018-06-03 21:34:26)

System Requirements          As with all software synths, the more processing power you have the better -- it's not that you can't run Reaktor on a Pentium 233MHz machine (you can), but that you will...

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