Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "R"
from category: Synthesizer
Redmatica Autosampler 2.3.2
One of a kind software that was acquired by Apple and then killed. Some parts made it into Logic but it was never the same. This software allows a user to connect a hardware synthesizer and sample the entire system into a sample library...
Zoyd is a virtual Synthesizer. It has a rich feature set embedded in a semi-modular architecture to produce unique sonic experience. It doesn't try to simulate existing technology and has it's own character. Zoyd has the capability to...
Reaktor v3
Reator v3 is a "Modular Sound Design System" using programming block modules patching methods If you have no clue what that is then you need reading this: Wizzo Reaktor v3 Guide/Tutorial Reaktor3.pdf
Reaktor v2.3
System Requirements As with all software synths, the more processing power you have the better -- it's not that you can't run Reaktor on a Pentium 233MHz machine (you can), but that you will...

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