Found 10 software entries in Applications from category: PDA (Palm/Handheld)

Nokia Collector

Nokia Collector (2004)
(Modified on 2023-08-26 17:13:38)

allows you to transfer images, videos and other files from your mobile device to your Mac computer. On your computer you can easily store and organize a high number of files, and you can also choose to keep certain items in synch with your phone,...

Moscow ATS Spy for Apple Newton

Moscow ATS Spy for Apple Newton (1998)
(Modified on 2023-06-06 21:21:34)

'Moscow ATS Spy' program is designed to determine the location of the subscriber of the Moscow PBX by his phone number. Программа Moscow ATS Spy предназначена для определения...

Newton Backup Utility

Newton Backup Utility (1995)
(Modified on 2021-11-12 14:39:31)

With the Newton Backup Utility, you can connect your Apple MessagePad or other Newton PDA to your computer and do the following: ¥ Back up Newton information and store it on your computer. ¥ Install packages (applications, system...

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