Found 65 software entries
from category: Antivirus
Internet Security Barrier X6
Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh 3.5
Free antivirus for old Macs, retired in 1998. Some Mac users, a minority, who do not use Microsoft Word 6 or Excel 5 or later versions, may still find Disinfectant useful. If you suspect that you’ve caught a virus, you can use...
ClamXav Antivirus
Introduction ClamXav is a free virus checker for Mac OS X. It uses the tried, tested and very popular ClamAV open source antivirus engine as a back end. Back in the days before OS X, the number of viruses which attacked...
Symantec AntiVirus for Macintosh 1.x
Another rather early version of Symantec's anti-virus suite. Detects the following viruses: Scores nVIR A nVIR B ANTI Hpat INIT 29 AIDS MEV3 nFLU Jude WDEF nVIR-f
Vaccine warns you whenever certain significant resources are being modified. You can grant permission for the change to take place (if you're running an installer program for example), but you're in control When a vulnerable...
Norton AntiVirus 10.0
Norton AntiVirus is the #1 Macintosh Antivirus in the world. And Norton AntiVirus 10 is better than ever including an advanced scaning system that can kill even the toughest of Viruses.
VirusBarrier X
Intego VirusBarrier X is the simple, fast and non-intrusive antivirus security solution for Macintosh computers, by Intego, the publisher of the acclaimed NetBarrier personal security software. It offers thorough protection against viruses of all...
VirusBarrier X5
The best antivirus for Macintosh: protects your Mac from all known Mac viruses and malware You know very well that your Mac contains important information and files. If you use it for your work, you are aware how much time and money it would cost...
VirusBarrier X6
Mac Anti-Virus Protection for Home VirusBarrier X6 offers thorough protection from viruses, Trojan horses and all other known Mac malware. It’s also the only antivirus for Mac that provides solid protection against network threats, with a...
Virex 6.1
Virex anti-virus software, the fastest and most accurate anti-virus utility available for the Macintosh.
Virex 5.7.1
ClamAV upgrade for Leopard Server
HyperGuard is a French antiviurus to disinfect and vaccinate HyperCard and HyperCard creations.
Symantec/Norton Antivirus Definitions 2008-01-01
As with all Virus protecting progams: As new Viruses come up the program needs to be feed with the necessary information about them. Virus definitions do that. It is advisable to have the latest definitions, but in most cases one would also need the...
Rival 2 (French)
Symantec Antivirus 10.2 for Mac
McAfee VirusScan for Mac 8.6
McAfee Security for Mac 1.1

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