Found 43 software entries in Applications from category: Beta

PhotoShop 0.63

PhotoShop 0.63 (1988)
(Modified on 2022-04-18 18:26:52)

Photoshop 0.63 was the first version of Adobe Photoshop. It was created by Thomas & John Knoll. This release was made a year before Adobe acquired the license to publish Photoshop, and would later release as Adobe Photoshop 1.0 in 1990.

Kiddie Color Paint (KCP)

Kiddie Color Paint (KCP) (1989)
(Added on 2022-05-11 08:33:44)

Kiddie Color Paint (KCP) was what looks like a prototype for a drawing program made by a dad for their children.  Not sure this ever came out as a fully released product, tough.  This is not exactly the most stable drawing app but it's...

EasyServe 0.5

EasyServe 0.5 (1996)
(Modified on 2017-08-11 15:04:37)

Welcome to EasyServe, the really, really easy World Wide Web server. EasyServe is very easy to use, mostly because it doesn't do much.  EasyServe serves pages to the WWW.  That is all it does.  There's no logging, no CGI,...

CrossBasic DR1r7

CrossBasic DR1r7 (1997)
(Modified on 2024-12-03 07:55:36)

CrossBasic is basically REALbasic's alpha development stage.  It was renamed and released as REALbasic just months after this.  CrossBasic has a lot of REALbasic components and shares a lot of IDE similarities with REALbasic, tough...

Mac Pack Dreamcast Serial

Mac Pack Dreamcast Serial (2001)
(Modified on 2024-04-09 19:55:25)

Pre-OSX(OS9) tools and tutorial on how to connect a DC serial cable to an appropriate Macintosh.  - (DCEmulation) DC Serial guide for mac Includes: - How to use the DC Serial Cable on Mac - How to upload files to your...

MudWrestler v0.b7

MudWrestler v0.b7 (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-24 10:27:24)

MudWrestler is a MUD client that works on 68K and PPC Macs. FEATURES: Ticker You can set the Tick length and the alert time.  Currently, the only Alert action is a beep and hard-coded feature that makes you say "x seconds to...

Macintosh BASIC 0.335 (MacBASIC)

Macintosh BASIC 0.335 (MacBASIC) (1984)
(Modified on 2023-10-07 21:39:05)

Macintosh BASIC was a beta release of a program that should have been, but was cancelled. The fact that Microsoft was involved in it all just makes the whole story that much sadder. Macintosh BASIC was a promising development environment that had...

ComicBookViewer 1.0 (Beta)

ComicBookViewer 1.0 (Beta) (2005)
(Modified on 2023-07-23 18:53:04)

ComicBookViewer 1.0 Public Beta is a comic book reader for Macintosh that supports viewing CBZ, CBR, ZIP and RAR archives, folders of images, etc. Features: View Comics Auto-sense oversized pages e.g....

Kext Helper b7

Kext Helper b7 (2007)
(Modified on 2023-07-17 21:48:16)

Kext Helper is a useful tool for folks who are running a Mac OS X on hardware not created by Apple. Sometimes, when running Mac OS on those machines, you may need to add 3rd party kext files to help your system run smoothly. Kext Helper aids you...

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