Found 43 software entries
from category: Encryption & Security
Burn 2.5
Burn 2.5 is a configurable drag-and-drop file shredding utility.
LockOut (Maui Software)
CLAIM: "This program allows you to reset the sign-in screens for most newer [1980's!] MicrosoftTM and Claris programs." Reality: Tried this on MS Works 2 and it failed. Didn't bother to test any further but it's for sure...
NightWatch II
MacSafe II
FolderBolt Pro
Empower II v4.x
Alex's Encrypt
ultraSECURE 3.5.2
If you have files to keep from prying eyes, you’ll want to consider security software. ultraSecure from usrEZ Software has as comprehensive a set of security features as I’ve ever seen in a single package. The program comes on a...
PGP Desktop for Mac 9.5.3 Build 5003
PGP Desktop is a security tool that uses encryption to protect your data, both while it is on your system and while it is in transit.
Tiny Cipher 1.5
Tiny Cipher is an encryption program. In other words, it takes a file that can be easily read by you (or a third party), and turns it into a new file (of approximately the same size) that is apparently random garbage. Needless to say, it can do the...
DiskLock (Fifth Generation Systems)
Access Managed Environment (A.M.E.)
Access Managed Environment (or "A.M.E.") is a user-management utility for the early Macintosh. Access Managed Environment (A.M.E.) is an integrated security and virus program. The carefully designed user interface makes it easy...
Norton Personal Firewall DE
Norton's Firewall with a German user interface.
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