Found 14 software entries
from category: Icons
Folder Icon Maker 1.x
Folder Icon Maker creates folders with custom icons. If you haven't already plastered your folders with icons from another program, or even if you have, Folder Icon Maker creates attractive folders from almost any file. Robbins, Gregory M....
Color ICON Mania
Color ICON Mania is a small utility that adds colorful icons to your tedious alert box, such as "Note", "Caution", and "Stop". You can choose your favorite alert icons from included samples. You can import someone...
Icon Collector 1.1.1
Icon Collector allows you to create icon collections by merging customs icons from multiple applications, files or folders in a single document, to save disk space. Icon Collector extracts icons from your collection by creating new folders with...
The NYMUG Collection
Slomacuser's Icon Set
Icon Rescue
Hide's iMac Icons
Hide's Pismo icons
Greg's Icon Collection
Icon Machine
Icon Machine is an icon editor which you can use to create custom icons and customize the icons of your files, folders, and disks. You can create the images yourself, or import them from another application such as Adobe Photoshop. Icon Machine...
Desktop Creatures
Iconographer is a very extensive icon editor for both classic Mac OS and Mac OS X.
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