Found 1889 software entries
from category: Utilities
ResEdit 2.1.3
ResEdit is an extensible stand-alone resource editor for the Macintosh computer. It's a powerful tool you can use to speed your software development process and to create icons, menus, and other resources for Macintosh programs and files. ...
SCSIProbe doesn’t do much — it isn’t even Internet-ready — but what it does do is done exquisitely well. This control panel examines your SCSI bus and lists in its window any devices that it finds. You can then either mount...
Norton Utilities 9 for Macintosh
MacBench 5.0 CD
MacBench 5.0 CD
GIFConverter 2.x
GIFConverter is an utility that can open and save (convert) various 80's and early 90's graphics files, namely: GIF, Startup Screens, PICT, JPEG, TIFF, Paint, RLE, EPSF... All it does is allow you to convert them, but it has no real editing...
DragThing is an application launcher, dock, and switcher. Several of the features that first appeared in DragThing eventually were added to the Mac OS, such as the Alt-Tab switching between applications. DragThing continued to be developed well into...
ChunkJoiner is the best shareware tool to recombine, join or concatenate ZIP parts and other split files together as a whole archive or file. Using ChunkJoiner is extremely simple: Select all the file parts at once (.001, .002, .003, etc...) then...
iTunes 11.4
This is the latest version of iTunes - the advanced media player that we all know and love - that is compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.
Speedometer 3.x
Speedometer is a benchmarking suite for 68K Macs. Speedometer allows to run benchmarking tests on hardware, such as hard disk, CPU, RAM, etc... and it lets you compare results, show graphs and various hardware information about your old...
Geekbench 2.2.7 PPC and Intel
Geekbench is a very competent benchmarking tool for PC and Mac. It can provide very accurate benchmarks, let you see how big of a performance boost you gave your PC or Mac with an upgrade, and is just more accurate than other benchmarking software....
Servant replaces the old starting point (created by the Finder program in the System Folder) with a more powerful desktop that is an accessible part of your work environment at all times. As the central application between you and your disks,...
CineBench R11.5 (11.529)
An older version of very popular multi-platform CPU benchmarking tool. The benchmarks consists of modelling, rendering, animation tasks. It can be used to test single threaded and multithreaded performance of CPU. There's also GPU benchmark...
Toast CD-ROM Pro 2.5.6
Astarte Toast CD-ROM Pro was an early version of the most popular and versatile CD-ROM burning and imaging software for PowerPC Macs.
MacExplorer 68K
MacExplorer 68K is a little freeware app made by @that-ben that aims to fill a small software gap in the 1990's 68K world in which there was no Windows Explorer-like utility available for System 7. In the late 1990's, there were a...
Super ResEdit 2.4
Super ResEdit is an enhanced version of ResEdit. It lets you edit code resources with a de-compiled view, meaning instead of seeing hex, you actually see the assembler opcode and you can modify it. The code will be re-compiled on...
FireStarter FX
FireStarter FX is a Mac OS X exclusive disk image burner and creator similar to Toast, but which allows to burn some disk images that even Toast or Apple's Disk Utility cannot. FireStarter FX has been reported to be one of the rare...
Filestyper allows you to change the Type, Creator, Created/Modified Date and Time as well as system flags e.g. Locked, isAlias, hasCustomIcon etc. Classic Macintosh files have a Filetype (File) and Creator Signature(Creator). These are...
Trash•Desktop is a freeware drag and drop utility for rebuilding the Desktop. It sets the files “Desktop DB”, “Desktop DF” and “Desktop” to visible and then move them to the Trash. Just drag and drop any...
Temperature Monitor
Temperature Monitor is an application to read out all accessible temperature sensors in Macintosh computers. The program can visualize the history graphs of the readings, display measured values in a large variety of fashions, or announce readings...
Synchronize! and Synchronize! Pro

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