Found 77 software entries in Apple Lisa

Lisa DAC (Lisa Multivoice Sound card)

Lisa DAC (Lisa Multivoice Sound card) (1989)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 14:59:15)

The Lisa DAC is a multivoice sound processor card (with audio output jack). This card turns any 1MB (2MB is better) Lisa/XL into a Macintosh Plus (sound capabilities) For a complete change into a fully compatible MacPlus you also need the...

Lisa to Macintosh Migration Tools

Lisa to Macintosh Migration Tools (1984)
(Modified on 2019-02-18 02:33:33)

1st Download: Images in DART format 2nd Download: Images in IMG format To use: Power Lisa off and insert the disk Migrate1 then power Lisa on. Follow the prompts to install but do not erase the disk when the installer asks as this will prevent...

MacWorks Plus 1.1h

MacWorks Plus 1.1h (1983)
(Modified on 2024-08-17 07:02:41)

MacWorks is a Mac "Simulator or "Emulator" for the Apple lisa. Users used MacWorks on their lisa before they buy the Macintosh as the Apple Lisa is released before the Macintosh.   Also MacWorks does not have the same...

Lisa OS 2 and 3

Lisa OS 2 and 3 (1983)
(Modified on 2021-05-18 09:40:44)

The Lisa operating system featured cooperative (non-preemptive) multitasking and virtual memory, then extremely advanced features for a personal computer. The use of virtual memory coupled with a fairly slow disk system made the system performance...

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