Found 4 software entries
Apple Lisa
from category: Development Tools
Lisa ToolKit 3.0
dc42 format Installation Instructions: Prerequisite: Lisa Workshop 3.0 With a Lisa 2, 2/5, and 2/10 the 3.5-Inch disk drive is identified as -#13- and Lisa’s internal hard disk is assigned as -#12. If you have a Lisa 2 or...
Workshop 1.0
Workshop 2.0
Apple Workshop 2.0 for Apple Lisa Includes Workshop, COBOL, and Basic Plus 1st Download: Entire Workshop 2.0 DC42 Format 2nd Download: BASIC Plus in DART Format From the VintageMicros Collection
Workshop 3.0 + updates
The Workshop contains a collection of tools for preparing and running programs. These tools allow you to Configure the Lisa and set system defaults. Write, compile or assemble, link, and run programs. Debug programs that run under the Lisa...
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