Found 65 software entries
Apple II
Apple IIc Plus MouseDesk
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
GS Zip
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Portal for Apple II
This is about an Apple II version of Portal, the cake acquisition simulator released in 2007 (not the similarly named contemporary Apple II game released in 1986). Note: this project is just for fun and is in no way endorsed by Valve, etc. While...
War in Middle Earth
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
AppleWorks GS
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs System 4.0
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs Tour
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
DeskTracker (IIGS)
I don't know much about desktracker, but what I do know is that it's the thing that allows you to play the files in the folder "Spacefox.Songs"
Alternate Reality: The City (for Apple II)
In Alternate Reality: The City, you are one of many people who have been abducted from earth by aliens and transported to an alternate dimension where you are dumped in a strange, yet familiar city. Your quest is to explore the city, and find...
Omega (for Apple II)
Omega casts the player into the role of a cyber-tank designer and programmer. The goal is to design a powerful tank capable of defeating opponents within the frames of a limited budget. A successful completion of this task grants the player...
Jam Session (for Apple II)
From the VintageMicros collection. See also: Macintosh version
Apple IIgs Sales Demo
Apple commisioned Tom Lichty and Tom Crosely to produce a sales demo for the then brand-new Apple IIGS that would showcase it's capabilities in its own unique way. The demo comes on two disks and can be run from a single drive system or with...
Beagle Bros Software Compilation
The archive includes: AppleWorks 3.0 Companion TimeOut TeleComm TimeOut FileMaster TimeOut PowerPack And two FontPak's Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the...
Point to Point (Point2Point)
Сomputer to computer communications program for chat and file transmission Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs System 6.0.x
PFS: File & PFS: Report (for Apple II)
PFS: File is a flat file database system. PFS: Report is a companion program used to prepare and print reports based on data in PFS: File. See also: Macintosh version
SoftDisk Issue and Best of SoftDisk
Softdisk - originally Softdisk Magazette, was a disk magazine for the Apple II computer line, published from 1981 through 1995. It was the first publication of the company that was also known as Softdisk, which...
ImageWriter Tool Kit
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
AppleWorks 3.0 (8-bit)
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIc Plus System 3.1
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
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