Found 65 software entries in Apple II

Portal for Apple II

Portal for Apple II (2017)
(Modified on 2023-04-20 12:54:34)

This is about an Apple II version of Portal, the cake acquisition simulator released in 2007 (not the similarly named contemporary Apple II game released in 1986). Note: this project is just for fun and is in no way endorsed by Valve, etc. While...

Omega (for Apple II)

Omega (for Apple II) (1989)
(Modified on 2023-07-01 09:49:11)

Omega casts the player into the role of a cyber-tank designer and programmer. The goal is to design a powerful tank capable of defeating opponents within the frames of a limited budget. A successful completion of this task grants the player...

Apple IIgs Sales Demo

Apple IIgs Sales Demo (1986)
(Added on 2023-06-12 22:20:37)

Apple commisioned Tom Lichty and Tom Crosely to produce a sales demo for the then brand-new Apple IIGS that would showcase it's capabilities in its own unique way. The demo comes on two disks and can be run from a single drive system or with...

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