Found 3 software entries
Apple II
from category: Novelties & Fun
Clue: Master Detective
Year: 1989
(Modified on 2023-04-25 22:18:07)
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers (For Apple IIGS)
Year: 1987
(Modified on 2023-12-23 17:54:04)
Macintosh version Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
War in Middle Earth
Year: 1989
(Modified on 2023-04-25 22:37:45)
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
3 record(s)
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