Found 14 software entries
Apple II
from category: Operating Systems (OS)
GS/OS for Apple IIgs
GS/OS is really for the Apple //GS to imitate the Macintosh. The Apple //GS was of the Apple // series but had better graphics and sound than the classic Apple // line. The Apple //GS tried to compete with the Commodore Amiga 1000 and Atari ST...
Apple IIgs System 5.0.4
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Copy II Plus
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIe Desktop
Graphical user interface for the Apple II
Apple IIGS GS/OS 6.0.4 Internet Starter Image
This is a disk image of GS/OS 6.0.4 set up for internet use with an Uthernet or Uthernet II card. It includes the following software: Marinetti TCP/IP with Uthernet/II configs Webber web browser Specrtrum VNCviewerGS ZipGS...
Apple IIc Plus MouseDesk
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIc Plus System 3.1
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs Setup
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs System 4.0
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs Tour
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs Sales Demo
Apple commisioned Tom Lichty and Tom Crosely to produce a sales demo for the then brand-new Apple IIGS that would showcase it's capabilities in its own unique way. The demo comes on two disks and can be run from a single drive system or with...
Apple II System Utilities
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Apple IIgs System 6.0.x
Apple GSOS System 6.0.4
This package contains the GSOS System 6.0.4 Installation disks and they include : Install.po System.Disk.po SystemTools1.po SystemTools2.po SystemTools3.po Fonts.po Fonts2.po synthLAB.po Enjoy :) See also: All previous GS/OS...
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