Gobbledygooks! (Beta Demo)

Type: Games
Category: Beta , Puzzle , Top Down
Shared by: ThinkIndifferent
On: 2016-12-02 20:25:08
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-06-28 10:46:13
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Gobbledygooks! (Beta Demo)?

"Gobbledygooks is a single player puzzle game where you determine whether a bunch of silly, furry creatures called Gobbledygooks will live or die. Though they're not lemmings, it seems as though they're going to die. But how can I help, you ask? Well, it's not that easy, but you do have a super-hyper-migigit-electro-laser-zapper that you can use to bump stuff, move it, or even blow it up. So if those gobbledygooks are about to walk right into a fifty foot pit, you'd better be able to get an arrow there to point them away from it."

Gobbledygooks was cancelled and never released. This beta demo is all that remains. From the author:

"Gobbledygooks was never released, but I do still have a functioning demo of it. It's not the greatest, because it's about 12 levels out of all the ones I designed, and they get hard too quickly without giving the player any time to learn the new elements. But it's playable."

Download Gobbledygooks! (Beta Demo) for Mac

(1.37 MiB / 1.44 MB)
/ BinHex'd, use Stuffit Expander
9 / 2016-12-02 / e8f643bd1c9d19b12177918481a8c8eb2f0af270 / /



System Requirements

From Mac OS 7.1 up to Mac OS 9.2

Compatibility notes

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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