Angband (The Pits of Angband)

Shared by: that-ben
On: 2016-02-27 11:57:20
Updated by: that-ben
On: 2016-02-27 11:58:47
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is Angband (The Pits of Angband)?

Angband is a very long lifespan port of the game with the same name for PC, which was based itself on a very old game called Moria or in the vein of NetHack.  Angband is a rogue-like, text based adventure game happening on the premises of the Angband fortress in J. R. R. Tolkien's world.  Angband features 100 levels of randomly generated dungeon crawling RPG gameplay.

Angband has been maintained by numerous people and a strong community for +20 years.  Version 2.7.8 seems to be one of the earliest releases for Mac, while 3.0.4 is the last for classic Mac OS.

See also: NetHack


Download Angband (The Pits of Angband) for Mac

(422.82 KiB / 432.97 KB)
Angband 2.7.8 for 68K / compressed w/ Stuffit
27 / 2016-02-27 / 2737febc7f0999523fadb0fe2abf9464e538f26a / /
(446.94 KiB / 457.67 KB)
Angband 2.7.8 for PPC / compressed w/ Stuffit
11 / 2016-02-27 / 075011e3db11f42c5efb46732cacef18e2bcebbd / /
(1.13 MiB / 1.19 MB)
Angband 3.0.4 for 68K / compressed w/ Stuffit
47 / 2016-02-27 / 16454b4ed96dfd4873d1902087a5f49d376aed8b / /
(1.71 MiB / 1.79 MB)
Angband 3.0.4 for PPC / compressed w/ Stuffit
25 / 2016-02-27 / 23bd75c4e16d3a283ce235cd46bb1f5c08c642fb / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

Architecture: 68K version + PPC version

At least 1.5MB of free RAM for 2.7.8 and at least 4MB of free RAM for 3.0.4


Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II

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