macOS/OSX Server 5.x (app)

Author: Apple
Shared by: that-ben
On: 2023-07-13 16:29:51
Updated by: McPaddy
On: 2024-10-10 17:17:51
Other contributors: andreabafile , GSDgrad , NJB796
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (5 votes)
Rate it: 12345678910

(There's no video for macOS/OSX Server 5.x (app) yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)

  • OS X Server 5.1 Splash screen 

What is macOS/OSX Server 5.x (app)?

The macOS Server app was downloadable from the App Store until Apple discontinued it on April 21st, 2022.  Here, in this archive, are some of the versions that could be salvaged from the internet before it's completely erased for good! 

Note: Please use caution and back up your files on your Mac before installing those apps (just in case)  because bthey come from unknown sources.


Download macOS/OSX Server 5.x (app) for Mac

(71.52 MiB / 75 MB)
macOS Server v5.12.2, requires macOS 12.0 or newer (2022-03) / DMG image, zipped
1813 / 2023-07-13 / 2023-07-13 / 8803bb0a7e237f96b74e4a88dc06665f5044ec59 / /
(74.56 MiB / 78.18 MB)
macOS Server v5.11, requires macOS 10.15 or newer (2020-12) / DMG image, zipped
560 / 2023-07-13 / a24d072818836f9441ec51a5b78b2dea11754944 / /
(184.71 MiB / 193.69 MB)
macOS Server v5.4, requires OSX 10.13 or newer (2017-09) / DMG image, zipped
449 / 2023-07-13 / 2023-07-13 / d0dae8821d80711f1a18e3d5cb740bc3bf17457b / /
(207.09 MiB / 217.15 MB)
macOS Server v5.2, requires OSX 10.11.6 or newer (2016-09) / Zipped
377 / 2023-07-13 / 29637c22dedfc4fbf39803984a6fcc6b84437a24 / /
(202.64 MiB / 212.48 MB)
macOS Server v5.1.7, requires OSX 10.11.6 or newer (2016-07) / DMG image, zipped
193 / 2023-07-13 / 2023-12-13 / ad2c0b5367fc0975f07353d9a64e7feadf0b7d87 / /
(202.47 MiB / 212.3 MB)
Server 5.6.3 - latest for High Sierra / Zipped
90 / 2024-05-23 / 92cf93831d6c1722d6511b3b63185fec275ad1ec / /
(168.06 MiB / 176.22 MB)
/ DMG image
2 / 2024-10-10 / f22a8c345679ede90508a6eb7272ff0e7d643063 / /


Intel x86-64

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.7 up to Mac OS 12.6

Compatibility notes

Architecture: Intel x86

Mac OS X 10.7 - Mac OS X 12.6 (depends on the version, refer to the downloads list)


Emulating this? It could probably run under: QEMU

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