Let's Color...
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What is Let's Color...? Let's Color., a computerized coloring program that offers hours of coloring fun for children and adults. The intuitive nature of the coloring program means that new users can catch on quickly and confidently, having lots of fun while learning or enhancing mouse and keyboard skills and hand-eye coordination. Advanced users can create their own challenges by utilizing textures and patterns to create shadows and depth and by exporting pictures into other paint programs. Each coloring book contains a series of templates (black-and-white pictures), dozens of colors, textures, and patterns, and animated icons for flipping easily through the pictures. Additional features include a safety measure that prevents access to important computer files while the coloring book is in use and a function that saves pictures automatically. In addition, all pictures are reusable, and the templates can be printed. This means that users have endless coloring options - on computer and paper!
Download Let's Color... for Mac Architecture
System Requirements From Mac OS 6.0 up to Mac OS 9.2 Architecture: 68K (68020 or newer) At least 2MB of free RAM Mac OS 6.x - Mac OS 9.2.2 At least 5MB of free hard disk space while running the app
Emulating this? It could probably run under: Basilisk II |