ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)

Shared by: Amid
On: 2023-01-12 09:20:58
Updated by: Amid
On: 2023-11-15 15:05:49
Rating: 0.00 Clarus out of 10 (0 vote)
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What is ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery)?

ADOM development started in 1994 and today is going stronger than ever making it the longest actively maintained roguelike game ever.

 - (

In Ancient Domains of Mystery, the player character is an adventurer who has traveled to a remote mountain range to save Ancardia, the world of the game, from the forces of Chaos. The player can either continue on with this quest or join on with Chaos, depending on the choices that the player makes in the game. Becoming corrupted by the forces of chaos causes mutations which have positive or negative effects.

The game features a wide range of character races and classes, a point-based skill system, many subplots, and a detailed world which allows to grow herbs and repair/upgrade weapons with smithing.

 - (MobyGames)

This page presents free versions of ADOM (aka ADOM Classic)

See also:

Official website

ADOM Deluxe (Steam / GOG)

Download ADOM (Ancient Domains Of Mystery) for Mac

(4.28 MiB / 4.49 MB)
ASCII Version 1.16.0 (release 60) PPC / Zipped
13 / 2023-01-12 / 2023-11-15 / e2f8532b4b6715ebba68d9f79c4f4eafaf2680d7 / /
(3.23 MiB / 3.39 MB)
ASCII Version 1.16.0 (release 60) Intel / Zipped
3 / 2023-01-12 / 2023-11-15 / da1257bec62e1450d1e3302347adb43ae9fc110f / /
(4.57 MiB / 4.79 MB)
ASCII Version 2.3.8 (release 81) PPC / Zipped
2 / 2023-01-12 / 2023-11-15 / 28f76252c25d4e31bb31ddd7b0dc649f952c0270 / /
(3.41 MiB / 3.58 MB)
ASCII Version 2.3.8 (release 81) Intel / Zipped
1 / 2023-01-12 / 2023-11-15 / b44f421af63b883bf1a4488930570800e83b7d72 / /
(4.71 MiB / 4.94 MB)
ASCII Version 3.0.6 (release 88) PPC / Zipped
1 / 2023-11-15 / c7d7014cf1289b83c58cbce79f5a942c3c15d44b / /
(3.54 MiB / 3.71 MB)
ASCII Version 3.0.6 (release 88) Intel / Zipped
1 / 2023-11-15 / c4c00c99e2f0ebc4e8a8b860c323413c2741f21f / /
(4.73 MiB / 4.96 MB)
ASCII Version 3.3.3 (release 101) PPC / Zipped
4 / 2023-01-12 / 2023-11-15 / d14409c50e88562a5cfffe3373a61cb2745e7095 / /
(3.55 MiB / 3.72 MB)
ASCII Version 3.3.3 (release 101) Intel / Zipped
6 / 2023-01-12 / 2023-11-15 / 5e010b4bbe237f20ffda893c9c6a1472d16fe86b / /
(178.16 MiB / 186.82 MB)
Graphical Version 1.15.2 (release 60) Intel / Zipped
2 / 2023-11-15 / a94b97d7e919eb5da07f71ffe5a3f8338f05f04f / /
(508.42 MiB / 533.12 MB)
Graphical Version 2.3.8 (release 81) Intel / Zipped
1 / 2023-11-15 / 4f238c01702112cb65ac9e2cb3c60c3197f0a93f / /
(519.37 MiB / 544.59 MB)
Graphical Version 3.0.6 (release 88) Intel / Zipped
5 / 2023-11-15 / 89160a9e4c2f045104a4f53f733f0b0b5e9f1243 / /


OSX Universal Binary

System Requirements

From Mac OS 10.4 up to Mac OS 10.14

Compatibility notes


Release 60:

  • ASCII - Mac OS 10.4 or higher
  • Graphical - Mac OS 10.5 or higher

Release 81:

  • ASCII - Mac OS 10.4 or higher
  • Graphical - Mac OS 10.6 or higher

Release 88:

  • ASCII - Mac OS 10.5 (PPC), 10.6 (Intel) or higher
  • Graphical - Mac OS 10.6 or higher

Release 101:

  • ASCII - Mac OS 10.5 (PPC), 10.6 - 10.14 (Intel)
  • Graphical - Mac OS 10.6 or higher

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