
(There's no video for Nanosaur yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
What is Nanosaur? Nanosaur is a 3D, third-person shooter made by Pangea Software in which the player controls a sci-fi technology equipped dinosaur. This dinosaur has been sent back to the past, right before an asteroid strikes Earth and wipes out the dinosuars, with a mission: collect at least 1 of each color egg and as many eggs total as possible before the timer (20 minutes) runs out and the asteroid strikes. The player will encounter many other dangerous dinosaurs in several different environments on their mission, such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Pteranodons, and more. A powerful array of weapons and technology are available as pickups to the player including (but not limited to) homing missiles, nukes, shields, and jetpack fuel (gushing vents). This game was originally released in 1998 for the Mac OS 9 operating system. Originally, the 3D accelerated graphics made this and other Pangea SW titles difficult to port to modern computers, but thanks to an intrepid soul (look for Iliyas Jorio on github), a modern, open source port of Nanosaur is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Serial for Nanosaur 1.3.4: APAPGNDKBQBQ Download Nanosaur for Mac
From Mac OS 8.0 up to Mac OS 9.2 The 3D accelerated graphics used for this game make emulation difficult or impossible. Even Classic mode on early versions of Mac OS X (up to Tiger, 10.4.11) encounter issues with running this game, often displaying graphical issues, crashing with certain animations, or not running at all. The best performance for the original Nanosaur software will be on Mac hardware that can boot into Mac OS 9, though it should run on Mac 0S 8 as well.