Edirol FA-101 Audio Interface
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On: 2020-09-14 20:30:34
On: 2023-06-21 14:10:17
(There's no video for Edirol FA-101 Audio Interface yet. Please contribute to MR and add a video now!)
The FA-101 is a feature-packed 10x10 audio interface that can handle a full 10 channels of input/output at 24-bit/96kHz. Record and monitor all 10 channels simultaneously in full duplex. Phenomenal audio power for the studio musician! In addition, the FA-101 offers 6-channel recording and playback at 24-bit/192kHz for performance at DVD-A quality.
Roland Corporation. (2023). Roland - FA-101. www.roland.com/us/products/fa-101/
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 IBM PowerPC
System Requirements 
From Mac OS 9.2
up to Mac OS 9.2
Compatibility notes 
Drivers are not needed in Mac OS X 10.3.4 or later, as the OS began to provide native support for this device.
Does NOT support Classic mode under Mac OS X.
CPU / Clock
For 44.1/48 kHz operation: PowerPC G3 / 600MHz or better, PowerPC G4 / 500MHz or better
For 88.2/96 kHz operation: PowerPC G4 / 700MHz or better
For 192 kHz operation: PowerPC G4 / 1GHz or better
256MB or more (You must turn virtual memory "off" before using this driver.)
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