Prodigy SE Utility and Driver Software Disk

Shared by: Macboul
On: 2019-01-20 17:14:58
Updated by: clh333
On: 2019-01-22 17:50:09
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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  • Distribution disk 

What is Prodigy SE Utility and Driver Software Disk?

Levco's Prodigy SE™ is an accelerator card for the Macintosh SE adding a 16MHz Motorola 68020 and an 68881 FPU.

The Prodigy SE™ had its own 120ns RAM and a PDS Slot.


One file is a raw dump from the AMD AM27256 EPROM sitting on the Progidy SE™ board at U3, this may allow you to fix a corrupted ROM.

A second file is a PDF of the User's Guide

A third file is the driver and utility software included with the board

Download Prodigy SE Utility and Driver Software Disk for Mac

(32 KiB / 32.77 KB)
On board EPROM dump (AM27256 - SuperMac re-branded) / Binary encoded, use Stuffit Expander
14 / 2019-01-20 / 104892ef280c3a2f56066ecd0eecbc1e97e8769e / Rev. C / 1002813-2001B / /
(3.56 MiB / 3.74 MB)
Installation, configuration, features and programming options
45 / 2019-01-22 / 2e343cd2ca6c7e5cfd44bca614ffdf87f833b4b5 / /
(710.31 KiB / 727.36 KB)
Contains an 800k disk image and disk's contents, both / compressed w/ Stuffit
26 / 2019-01-22 / b1df87927c6da1743e1c5d180ad13aa4fe81a2dc / /


Motorola 68K

Compatibility notes

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