
Publisher: Living Memory
Shared by: Alex
On: 2018-04-11 09:19:31
Updated by: InkBlot
On: 2023-03-10 21:25:33
Rating: 10.00 Clarus out of 10 (1 vote)
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What is CellSynth?

CellSynth is a software based synthesizer


•    Unique, powerful, friendly and intuitive user interface. Easy and fun to use even if you're not familiar with making computer based music.

•    100s of preset sounds and sound files.

•    Unparalleled implementation of sample looping, modulation and multiple sample loops. Synchronised playback of up to 36 audio samples, with the ability to instantly tune loops to tempo. Literally drag a sound file into CellSynth and with 2 or 3 mouse clicks it can be looping or playing in time with your composition.

•    Conforms to ReWire 1.0 from Propellerhead Software

•    Streams Stereo Audio from up to 32 separate Cells to sequencer tracks

•    Unique sample modulation fx.

•    Powerful DSP effects including any combination of reverb, delays, envelopes and resonant filters.

•    Faithfully recreate the sound of classic analog and digital synths.

•    All the features of a large modular analog synthesizer, LFOs, oscillators, filters, envelopes (ADSR), noise generators, random (sample and hold) generators and mixing modules. 

•    Audio samples, oscillators, envelopes, sample-and-hold generators and delays can be synchronised to internal or external (MIDI) beat clock.

•    Harmonic additive oscillators with up to 32 user-specified harmonics.

•    Versatile arpeggiator with many different modes.

•    Full real time MIDI control of virtually all parameters.

•    Self contained automation sequencer allows you to compose songs and automate controllers entirely within CellSynth.

•    CD Quality playback and real time recording to hard disk.

•    Can be used 'live' as a synth with simultaneous playback and real time mixing of sample loops.

•    Works alongside your favourite sequencer.

•    Everything self-contained in one application: sampling, analog/fm/harmonic synthesis and sequencer. CellSynth can and has been used to create entire compositions.

Download CellSynth for Mac

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Compatibility notes

System Requirements.

PowerPC Mac running OS8.6 or newer
OMS v2 (if MIDI is required)
64 Mb free RAM.
It is possible to run CellSynth even on slower 100MHz machines but it will be VERY limited and the interface (graphics/mouse and drawing) can slow down considerably while CellSynth is playing.  On machines from 200MHz updwards, these problems do not exist and with a 400 MHz G3 it is possible to get maximum reward from CellSynth.

Reverb cells use a lot of processing power. So if you have a slow machine and you find a CellSynth file that does not work, try deleting any reverb cells first.

To date Cellsynth has not been tested in OS X and may not work as expected in OS X classic mode.

For CellSynth to work with maximum efficiency …
1. Turn off virtual memory in the Memory Control Panel.
2. Turn off AppleTalk in the Chooser.

Emulating this? It could probably run under: SheepShaver

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